Tailihua Mold Co., Ltd.

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Special-shaped Pipe Drawing Dies

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Product Introduction of Special-shaped Pipe Drawing Dies

Product Function

This die can accurately draw various metal thick pipes into thin pipes with specified cross-sectional shapes and areas. The cross-section of the incoming pipe is unrestricted, and the cross-section of the outgoing pipe is non-circular. Due to its reasonable design, it can be directly operated with a traditional pipe drawing machine. Currently, only some simple die hole patterns can adopt nano-diamond composite coatings.

Manufacturing Features

Nano-diamond Composite Coating

Constrained by the shape of the die hole, some simple die hole patterns of special-shaped pipe drawing dies can be equipped with nano-diamond composite coatings.

Application Features

Reasonable and Precise Die Hole

With the aid of computer assistance, the die hole gradient is reasonable and accurate.

Diverse Die Hole Design

It can produce pipe drawing dies with any die hole pattern.

Simple Drawing Method and Excellent Surface Quality

The unique sleeve design and reasonable lubrication design make the drawing process simple and the surface quality of special-shaped pipes excellent.

Advantages of Coated Dies

For dies with nano-diamond composite coatings, the service life when drawing aluminum pipes is dozens of times longer than that of cemented carbide dies, and when drawing low-carbon steel pipes, it is more than 20 times longer. When the die is scrapped, there is no change in the hole diameter, no die repair is required, and the working surface is always smooth.

Benefits for Users

Improved Production Efficiency

Computer-aided design, a simple drawing method, and unique technologies reduce processes and improve efficiency.

High Product Precision

The reasonable and precise die hole ensures accurate product cross-sectional shapes and areas.

Strong Processing Flexibility

It can draw metal pipes with any cross-section into the specified shape.

Cost Saving

The use of a traditional pipe drawing machine reduces equipment costs.

Efficiency and Material Saving of Coated Dies

Coated dies have a long service life and unchanged hole diameters, improving efficiency and saving materials. Water lubrication can be used when drawing non-ferrous metals, reducing lubrication costs.